Sunday, 9 December 2007

Bach Christmas Oratorio

Performance of Bach went very well last night.
2 young professional sololists sang tenor and mezzo-soprano; Sean Layton and Katherine Allen. They sang superbly and it was a privilege to work with them. Arthur Berwick sang bass.
The orchestra played brilliantly and the 90 strong chorus gave Bach a performance of his work to remember.
The whole evening was conducted by Richard Bloodworth with whom I have worked on many occasions. Again, a privilege to sing with him.

Quiet break now over the Christmas period.
After Christmas it will be all hands on deck to do some serious learning of new materials.

These include:-
Brahms Requiem
Haydn's Creation
Dvorak Te Deum and Rusalka's Song to the Moon
Douglas Moore's Ballad of Baby Doe arias
Korngold's Die Tode Stadt aria for Marietta