Monday, 29 December 2008

New Year's Day Concert 2009

January 1st 2009 2pm Sunderland Minster
Rachel Orr
Voi Che Sapete
Je Veux Vivre
O Mio Babbino Caro

Friday, 12 December 2008

Christmas Concert with Shiney Row Male Voice Choir

Saturday 13th December 2008 Christmas Concert
Trinity Methodist Church, Shiney Row

Rachel Orr - soprano
Ben Armsishaw - violin
Ruth Armishaw - accompanist


Shiney Row Male Voice was founded in 1959 from a small singing groupset up by "The Wilson Brothers" - at Trinity Methodist Church, Shiney Row, Houghton le Spring. Since it's inception the Choir has always been based for rehearsals at Trinity Methodist Church.

There have been four Conductors of the Choir :-Fred Wilson Brian McAree Joe Parker Stephen Wroe

Stephen was appointed Conductor and Musical Director in 1994.

As for Accompanists, there have really been only two appointed to the permanent position.The present Accompanist, Robert Chicken, was the Choir's first,but after a short time he moved away from the area. He returned to the Choir in 2006,following the death of George Gent who had been the Choir's Accompanist for 38 years.

The Choir's current active membership stands at 49 members,who come from the Tyneside and Wearside area,including Sunderland, South Shields, Houghton le Spring,Gateshead, Chester le Street and Durham